Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Insignificant test career and Stumped!

Of what use is a Test career with zero runs, zero wickets, and zero catches? This has featured in Cricinfo's Ask Steven recent columns. Patrick Kidd in his Times column mentions that only TASekhar has a 2-Test career.

One of those who qualifies for this 0,0,0 career, Rajindernath, actually has no catches but 4 stumpings :-). Some interesting ones that can stump you ...
PWSherwell   20  16
TAWard 19 13
PKSen 20 11
AH Jarvis 9 9
EFS Tylecote 5 5
Rajindernath 0 4
No stumping list is complete without Bert Oldfield (78, 52).
And there's Anju with 51 stumpings and 30 catches in her ODI career :-)


Praveen said...

Oye..you must kind of increase the frequency of your blogs too...

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